Every now and then I get a request for more scooter content. I know what you mean! When I first started riding, I struggled to find information. That’s how this newbie site started!
This post is simply a collection of the creators that I am aware of.
Let me know if you are aware of a blog, channel, publication – anything that is 90%+ scooters – and I’ll add it to the list.
I do not have comments on the site because I really don’t have the time or brainpower to deal with the CRAZY amount of spam. If you want to add to the list, sign up for the newsletter. You can hit reply, and while I do not have awe-inspiring turnaround times, I read all emails & do my best to respond. Hit reply & tell me who to add. You can unsubscribe with 1 click if the newsletter isn’t your thing.
Scroll to the bottom of this post for some detail on how to help creators get found to support the community even more. I just want to jump to the part you came here for
Now onto the list that is not in any particular order (other than how I found them or as they are shared with me).
Oh & I can’t promise how often they are updated. However, some scooter stuff is classic & can still be revisited a few years later.
Thanks for visiting this one.
Dual Wheel Journey – tons of scooter related content weaved into motorcycle conversations
YouTube Channels
Scooter Newbie – cousin to this blog
Scooteria (German but sometimes subtitles are solid – beautiful rides)
Vespa Motor Sport – (more than Vespa on the channel but a LOT of Vespa)
Vespa Portland (Vespa + scooter vids)
Cleveland Moto (podcast style primarily hosted on YT)
Facebook Groups (no classified sites here – see upcoming classifieds post)
If any look absolutely inactive when you’re poking around, I’m also happy to remove the group from this list to keep it relevant.
by Brand:
Location Specific:
Voodoo Scoots Scooter Club New Orleans LA
How to Help Scooter Content Creators Get Found (or any creator, really)
Anyone publishing anything on the internet at this stage is subject to the whims (really processes) of the platforms that you’re searching. This isn’t just for blogs like this one. Even your Facebook posts of the amazing vacation you’re on or meme you want to share. Facebook decides which of your friends to serve your beautiful scooters photos to.
Google has it’s own algorithms. YouTube (owned by Google) has it’s own algorithm. Sometimes they work together when you search google.com. TikTok, Pinterest, Facebook, Bing – ALL platforms have their own algorithms. They generally want the same thing.
How can they keep you on their platform?
By giving you good content that you want.
If a creator doesn’t speak directly to what that platform likes, you don’t get served up that content. HOWEVER, the more you (as the audience) interacts and engages with the content, the more the algorithm learns that you WANT that content. Their magic computers serves you more of it.
So the content creator needs to make themselves findable. The audience (YOU) needs to watch or read longer, like, comment, subscribe – do whatever that platform wants. That is called engagement.
When you click on any of the links above, it sends a signal to some algorithms that the content is good for the topic as a type of social proof. It gets called Referral traffic, and it helps them with the black box algorithms.
If an article or video or anything else strikes your fancy, share the content with others that might, too. Share a link to a Facebook group, reddit, or just a note to your uncle. This is what Sharing is Caring on the internet means.
ScootersforNewbies.com is all about helping new folks ride AND to normalize scooters (or 2 wheel riding of any kind), so click away. That said, DO NOT SUBSCRIBE to content you don’t care about. If you KNOW you don’t want to read or watch a creator, do not sign up/subscribe/whatever. Your disengaged signals can cause hiccups, too.